Donor Thank You Function for The Children's Hospital at Westmead
Sunday night, 10th April 2010 at the NSW Art Gallery
I was asked to speak to the donors and let them know my experiences and why donating is important.My mum had a short speech and then introduced me - this is my speech -Thank you mum - Hi everyone, my name is Connor Maclean, I am 13 years old and was flown to The Children's Hospital at Westmead ( TCHW ) at birth.
I have had hundreds of trips to the Children's Hospital at Westmead and have had over 40 operations.
My treatment is ongoing and there will be more admissions and more operations to keep me alive.
Without the ongoing help from the Children's Hospital at Westmead I would not have a very happy life.
The doctors are the best in the country, even the world. Dr Shun is one of my main surgeons, without him I would not be alive today.
Without your donations children like myself would also not be alive.
There are so many different area's of the hospital that need regular ongoing funds. I get to see the benefits of your donations both personally and through other kids.
Over the last few years I have raised over $32,000 from concerts, calendars, CD's I have recorded and my art.
Mum and I try and give something back to the hospital by helping fund raise.
I am always trying to think of new and different ways to spread the word to help The Children's Hospital at Westmead.
Some of my idea'a the fund raising girls say PASS.......... but mostly they have liked the ideas I have had. AS LONG AS IT IS FUN I SAY !
I call The Children's Hospital at Westmead my second home.
I hope that you will continue to be a part of the Children's Hospital at Westmead family by your continued support.
It is greatly needed and it allows children like myself to smile and be able to enjoy life.